Sunday, December 21, 2008


so yo, its sunday, which means 2 new games of SKATE have just wrapped up. first on saturday with my boy, Steve Berra vs Chris Roberts. and the other game this sunday morning with the and only, Eric Froston vs Rob Dyrdek (from Rob and Big.)
for saturdays match up, i chose Steve Berra to win. it was hard deciding between the two but after a few minutes of thinking things through, i went with my gut and chose Berra. for sundays match up between Froston and Dyrdek, its for sure a no brainer... it was dubbed "the highly anticipated blow out." Koston is just too much of a good skater and im sure that those who have seen his video parts would agree.
so, the two skaters i chose have won their matches. bringing me closer to the winning prizes at the end of the tournament!

(some might recognize Steve Berra from the Rob & Big episode when they went to Florida for the Tampa contest. the episode when Rob made it rain with singles and kickflipped over an alligator)

the Battle at the Berrics is a single-elimination game of SKATE between 32 pro skateboarders. there is 1 game every saturday and sunday and will be held for about 16 weeks until there are 4 skaters left. then, those four will go head to head at the Battle at the Berrics Bash.

Before the whole tournament started, viewers were given a bracket chart that showed who would face who. they were able to decide and submit their choices on who they thought would win in each match and who would win 3rd, 2nd and 1st place.
after the tournament, the Berrics will then look over the submitted choices and will give out prizes to the viewers who submitted the most correct wins. i believe 3rd place winner for most correct wins receives the 3rd runner ups skateboard that he used during the match. 2nd place wins a free t-shirt and the 2nd place's used skateboard and the 1st winner will receive a free t-shirt, the 1st place skateboard and something else. the skateboards might be autographed. im not sure.
but, thats the whole dealeo with the Battle at the Berrics.
so hopefully i win either 3rd 2nd or 1st. so far in the first heat, there has been 14 out of 16 matches. and out of the 14, i have won 8. pretttay good. so theres still a chance for me to win. fo sho.


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