Monday, March 9, 2009


so yo, i texted the berrics a couple days ago asking, Who's better? Lakers or Celtics? and they replied back saying "Celtics, fo shooooo." to be honest thats not at all what i was expecting. knowing that the berrics is in LA i woulda thought they would support the Lakers. 1 because this is LA, and 2 because theyre the best fuckin team in the NBA. thats right Laker haters and kobe haters... but anyways yeah. thats the reply i recieved and im not all that impressed. but then again... the person that replied is from SF. so probably a Golden State Warriors fan and an Anti-Laker. so anything but Lakers is coo for him. i dunno. but that reply was whack... ill have to ask again. hopefully Koston or Carroll will answer the text cause theyre from LA. itd be cool Brandon Biebel answered the text, but i know for a fact that hes a hardcore Sacramento Kings fan. but who knows. he might pick LA over Boston.

well thats about it...

if you wanted an update on my wrist. i sprained it from flying of my skateboard. fucking ran over a rock after bombing down a hill... so yeah, you could imagine how far i flew... well my wrist is better but still not 100% nothings broken or fractured. just a sprain so i was given a wrist guard. looks like ill have to take a break on jerking off.

OOOO LA LA!!!!!!!!!!!!
click pic to enlarge

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