Saturday, February 28, 2009


It's not officially open, but everyone is offcially jumping the fence and shredding!

Rob pretty much killed it with this one, thanks buddy. The spot's not officially open yet and it's fenced off but that ain't stopping anybody! Jump the fence and get in there. Lafayette Park at Wilshire and S. Commonwealth, Los Angeles, CA.

Cool thing is that since this spot doesn't have huge obstacles there's no need for pads or lame park muarks enforcing rules. This seems to be the way to go.

Ground is butters, might spoil you.

The star is surprisingly popular, some dude already blunt to fakied the tip.

The fact that it's actually a nice park, with trees and shade and not in the usual industrial waste area is nice as well. Of course a lot of people will tell you it's a sketchy neighborhood, but those fools are probably from Laguna Beach.

The ledges had a metal side and edge, but concrete up top, not like other metal edges that extend on to the top. Really good for locking in, haven't seen that before.

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