Tuesday, June 23, 2009


1. describe your perfect hug w/ a person of the same sex:
my hands placed on their hips, their hands gently resting on my shoulders and cheeks slightly rubbing against each other. not much of a gay touch, but more of a comforting touch

2. what is your nickname:

Mr Johannsen used to call me El Canon cause my muscles were like guns. BIG ones. i guess

3. why wouldnt someone want to fight you:

you know how many fingers i gots? i gots all 10 brah... and that aint even 1/4ths of the number of foos i knock out on a daily basis. gosta put up or shut up. get down or be put down

4. whats the whackest shit you heard in the past 3 weeks:
laker parade/rally day. these young jail bait girls that didnt get in were asked how long theyve been Laker fans and who their favorite players were. they said "oh, weve been fans since forever, our whole lives. our favorite players are shannon brown and luke walton... and and and everyone else." fuckin tricks... get that shit outta here... didnt even mention kobe...

5. what was the last thing that grinded your gears:

last night, tbs played Road Trip in spanish... i aint got anything against spanish, i just cant understand any of it. all i wanted to do was chill and watch a funny movie

6. what did you have for breakfast:

sunny side up eggs and sausages on butter toast

7. last time you threw up:
game 5 lakers vs magic. drank too much Sapporo and warm sake at Ichikawa in chino hills

8. What are you currently saving up for:

a new drum set. gotta get back on that shit

9. Why is you dad a such a great person:

my dad once caught a bullet with his bare hands

10. Is there a show named after you:

The Mighty B. and Degrassi is based on many of my lifes journeys

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