Thursday, September 17, 2009


one night i felt like i needed a new screen name. something funny, different and less boring than my current screen name, BrianJustiniano. yeah its fine, its just my name. but i've had it for quite sometime and i felt like it needed to go. so i started brain storming. i gathered a couple sn's that i wouldn't mind having. and out of all the sn's i thought of, the one that stood out the most was Spread Eagle 69. i don't know why. it's pretty gross. probably a screen name you would most likely see a pedophile use on To Catch a Predator. well, so i went through the whole process of creating a new screen name but it turned out that Spread Eagle 69 was already taken... some other person thought of that screen name and beat me to the punch... AMAZING! so i tried other variations of the name. and all those variations were also taken...
i was in awe... somewhat jealous and mad at the same time. ever since then i've been meaning to message those screen names and ask how they thought of such a genius sn.
fuckers... stole my screen name...

1 comment:

Zaldy said...

you need to add them on your buddy list. he/she is probably an amazing person.